By Yorkshirebred

Venice - day 6 - Cicchetti & Octopus!

A culinary day (?!). Started the day by walking to the train station to buy our tickets for tomorrow. Then walked through Cannaregio and had Americanos and iced coffees (with a side order of Spritz!). Walked to a museum near San Marco where there was an exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Authentic Human Bodies”. He must have been the most brilliant man - ideas and knowledge way ahead of his time - it must have been very frustrating for him. Back via Rialto Mercato, and an Octopus Bar where we had boiled octopus in lemon oil, plus a selection of cicchetti - brilliant! More bars, then back for a shower. Now off out again - it’s a hard life! :-0)). (ended up with a takeaway pizza, but boy was it good. As the owner said - bigger and much cheaper pizza than in England, but 10 times nicer!)

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