Aftermath. (Does not need calculations.)
Early blip today as we have done little this morning and having now consumed a wee drap of alcool in the shape of a very quaffable vino rose frizzante and some Birra Moretti, we will be going naewhere this pomeriggio. (Spelling?)
Oh, we did secure access to the villa's private beach, located some 450 metres as the crow flies, but also a similar dimension DOWNHILL, however, 3/4ters of the way down we could see it, the beach, or pile o'stanes, we altered course back to our pool. This does not entail huge physical effort either to enter nor exit, nor would it entail wearing heavy fòotwear to protect one's pieds from the aforementioned stanes.
PS: Added extra collage. 4 night views in old town Tropea, plus 2 doors for someone to translate. A&S, perchance?
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