Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

I am fast!

This morning Gavin and I took Xena for a longer walk than she has had up till now. I have been advised that if she is off lead going at her own pace she can do more than the '5 minutes per month of life rule'. She absolutely loved it and is very well socialised now when meeting other dogs.

Another blipper and Vizsla owner told me that Vizslas are the 3rd fastest dogs in the world, and so today I tried to get a photo of her running towards me - I need to master it now while she is still relatively slow, as when she is older it will be tricky to capture. The focus is not good enough here for my liking so its a work in progress!

Then Gavin went all the way to IKEA at Wembley where he met Luke and his one house mate and they got a few things that were needed for the flat. Gavin was then driving them back into London and was going to help assemble said bought items and do some other jobs for them. He is not yet home so it has been a quiet day at home with Thomas and Xena.

I finished changing all the bedding after the boys have left, did the ironing and then had to order some photos for frames. I also finished editing the baby photos so it has been a productive day.

Gosh only two more weeks until Thomas starts university. Not that he has been slouching about letting his brain go to mush...the dept of engineering have already sent him work to do! It was a four week schedule so he has been getting stuck into that so hopefully he feels ready and rearing to go when he arrives there.   

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