Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Esher Common

It has just started to rain but this morning it was bright and dry. We had another lovely dog walk, and practised recall. I noticed that the silver birch trees are starting to change colour, the first hint of autumn in the trees. You can see the bracken in the foreground here is already looking autumnal.

Thomas was working at the cafe today and while I was out, he texted me to say I should come to the cafe for a coffee as they were very quiet today. By the time I got there they were very busy, and I enjoyed an excellent oat milk cappuccino. A young woman there, a customer,  made a huge fuss of Xena as she had a much loved Vizsla for 15 years, and was hoping to get another one one day.

I then spent ages selecting some of my images for Luke to choose from, as he would like some framed prints for the flat - it's easier if I send him a selection on Dropbox rather than him looking at the 1000's on my computer. I also selected some family ones to put in photo frames for our house. It takes ages trawling through so many images trying to choose!

I have a girls night out tonight, the book club are going to see Downton Abbey which I am looking forward to. It won't be a late night which suits me. 

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