Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Diet starts tomorrow!

No wee dog to get up for this morning. I was wondering who he saw on his beach walk today...

Did he press his wet nose on the nice lady sitting in the yoga position every morning contemplating the sea?

Did he see the big alsatian on a lead that he made a sudden and uncharacteristic growling lunge at (while on the lead, too)? Henry, you would have been mincemeat!

Did he see the jogger wearing earphones who every now and then dances round in circles, arms waving, pointing upwards? (I knew straight away what he was listening to, and asked him. Yep. Rocky.)

Did he see any dogs with silly coats on?

I went swimming. I went a wee bit later than normal, 10-ish, and discovered that was best. Let the before-workers get the lengths done and off to work/uni. I had the Fast Lane to myself for 15 minutes. It didn't make me go faster! I've joined, there being no joining up fee in January. So I could go every day. In theory.

The diet starts today, so I weighed myself. The diet starts tomorrow, because Uncle A kindly left all sorts of goodies for us coming back yesterday - croissants, potato scones and Hot Cross Buns. So of course, those will have to be disposed of (down my gullet) before any serious starvation can begin.

Today it's a bit dreich, so I decided on an indoor day. I will take down the Christmas decorations, put up the new calendars (including the miniature schnauzer one!), do the washing, tidying up. We'd just charged off after Christmas - presents still strewn (tidily) on the sofa. No chocolate was left, though - I did have a good search. I will do all this wearing my new, as yet untried outside, camera bag.

I had a scrabble around for something to blip. No nice fruit or flowers in the house because we've been away. Onions! People tend to forget about onions, but where would we be without them?

I wonder if Henry saw that man with the five Westies? *sigh*

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