Copying daddy

So.... Rang docs, 9th in queue! Got an appointment with my favourite doctor for 9:10.
She looked at one foot and made umming noises, looked at the other and made similar noises, looked at her one wrist and said hhhhhmmm.
Charlotte has got hand foot and mouth disease.
Poor love
No nursery until spots have gone so nursery get over £100 for three days of no Charlotte (again) I'm taking compassionate leave for tomorrow and Wednesday and we will some how muddle through.
All in all she is not poorly with it, but the spots in her mouth are obviously bothering her as she is refusing milk (unheard of) so we are having to do little and often sips of water to get the nasty dehydration side effect at bay!
We went out to lunch to our favourite place, hack g checked with them first. They were quite and more than happy for us to eat there. We even snuck in a cheeky pudding too x
Trying to get her to have a sleep at the moment but not being terribly successful - daddy has gone to boots to get essentials required for two days of home quarantine! (Nappies / wipes / Calpol teething gel / rehydration sachets) we are allowed out just not anywhere near babies.

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