Look what I found mummy!

Day one of quarantine / home alone. Daddy left about 8am, he wanted to be out the house by 7am but plans changed when a little person ended up in our bed at 5:30am and we all fell back to sleep!
Charlotte ate some of her breakfast which was an improvement on the last two days and went down for sleep with no milk and no battle. The battle bit was good, the no milk not so good as she is hardly drinking.
One and three quarter hours later she woke. We were downstairs playing and she crawled off. As all stair gates were closed I knew she was safe, but could hear rustling.
She very proudly crawled back into the lounge with a packet of goodies puff things. As she had not much breakfast I let her have several as an additional snack this morning, telling her this was because she was poorly! Not sure she was listening to me!
You can clearly see several spots in her mouth today so haven't pushed milk at all, I've just let her point to her water as she has wanted it which appears to have worked well.
She's just gone to sleep, having drunk 250ml approx in one go which is the greatest amount since Friday.

Went to get some difflam spray - initially told could not give it to babies, I quoted you Anna on the dosage you had said, they checked their books and there it was, but they had none in stock. Asked mother to try in her chemist as she is over tomorrow they said not suitable for babies! Rah rah rah

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