Ski legs
Of course it would be on the last day of the trip that I finally located my ski legs and rediscovered the joy of swooshing fast down pistes like this one. At one point I went so fast my hat nearly flew off. This morning, with Mr B checking out of our appartment (we couldn't fit all the luggage plus all the ski gear plus all of us in the car, so I took the skis and children to the resort while Mr B mopped floors and filled the car (more efficiently than I had on the outward journey, of course) with all the luggage) I dropped Conor off at his lesson, and headed up high with Katherine. Despite some early nervousness, she was soon persuading me to go down reds I'd never tried before - but with my super ski legs on, all was well and there was lots of swooshing, and even a little whooping with joy too.
Mr B joined us with just enough time to do a couple of runs before lunch, then the usual feast (though I could fasten my ski trousers after lunch today, which was a bonus as skiing with them undone feels a little dangerous....) before Mr B and Katherine headed off for their adventures and Conor and I tackled the easier runs into the resort again and again and again.... I was practically on first name terms with the lift operator by the end of the afternoon. Conor was a joy to spend time with today - and we found lots of little lumps and bumps to jump over and even some off piste through trees (they were tiny trees, but it still counts....) His skiing has improved hugely in just three days, and that bodes well for February when we have a whole week of skiing to look forward to.
We all joined up again for the last few runs of the day, including a quick stop for a snowball fight (including Mr B's first fall of the holiday) then off for a hot chocolate in the bar, and the bus back down to the village. Once the hire stuff was handed back (happily they didn't seem to care that I was giving them back different poles than they'd given me - there was a bit of a mix up in the bus boot) we headed home. Despite a wrong motorway decision leading to a little more driving than was strictly neccessary, we were home in good time and seeing as we were all still wearing ski gear, the house didn't even feel that cold.
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