Proud Weegie

By Shiv


Back to work for me. No 3 was already up at 6.30 am as she says she is practising for going back to work tomorrow.

A nice day at work - I'm back working with some lovely people at Cannonmills and I put in a longer day than usual since Mr S was at home.

We have discussed that I may work full time (since part time IT jobs are like gold dust) and he would reduce his hours instead. At first I didn't like the idea but after coming home tonight, dinner was ready, kids had been into town to buy new buses passes and school shoes - it was ALMOST as good as having a wife! (but we do soooooooo many other things too and we're much better looking!)

I think he likes the idea of reducing his hours...and since I've been part time since No 1 was born, it's probably time for him to have more home-time.

It was getting dark when I walked to the car, and I had to walk across a very muddy Inverleith Park to get this blip (found out that my shoes leak too!).

Heard on the radio that the sun sets 2.5 minutes later each day! Whoo ho!

Sorry it's very grainy. Best NOT viewed large!

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