
A better day at work - in the main as I was able to have a chat with a colleague about the situation of our team and our leader. Home to a delicious vegetable cobbler made by Andy using many vegetables from my allotment including these squash. This was followed by homemade marmalade cake. Just the dinner for a wet windy day.

I took Merlin to training tonight. It was a rush and the first time I have tried driving him on my own in my little car. He sat on the backseat, harnessed in with the seatbelt and was a very good boy. He really hates the car and I had a slight panic when at first I locked him and the car key in the car and the doors locked. Fortunately I was able to quickly locate the spare key and avoid a bit of a disaster with our Merlin locked in the car in the dark and all alone!

Hoping you had a good day.

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