
By emmacooperx


Apparently, the religious holiday didn't provide me with enough inspiration for an epiphany. Far from it. I was trapped in the space in between. Between England, France. Norfolk, Leamington & Le Puy and all the people that I love who are spread between the three places.

Anyway, enough of that. I survived my no sleep journey and it passed pretty quickly as I struggled to catch up on the sleep I missed out whilst navigating trains and planes. Was met at the station by Mireille who had bought me a Christmas present, cute.

Caught up on blipping in the afternoon then headed over to Hati and Dom's for a lamb roast which was lovely. Good to see them again and catch up on all the hilarious stories. These two are definitely part of the reason I'm starting to love Le Puy!

Ps. The tree and advent calander are because I never got round to showing them in advent and wanted to post them before I took them down today. Plus, I was too tired to do much else.

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