Golden Girls

Poppy and H wearing their sparkly golden jumpers on the last day of their Christmas holidays. In an effort to get more golden I tried bouncing the flash off a gold reflector, not sure it worked but I had fun making Alf help.

Back into the office for me today, back to the joys of the commute. Good to see everyone and catch up on what I missed last week though (not a lot).

Meg the dog has a new trick, operating door handles. We noticed the other day that she could get into the sitting room but figured it was just because she could see us through the glass. H and the children got back today to find a sheepish looking Meg in the music room amongst the contents of the bin and assorted bits of an old toy blackboard. I've turned all the door handles round in an effort to thwart her. I suspect she'll be out with a screwdriver later!


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