Planko's Pics

By planko

Victoria Dock, Dundee

Took a trip down the Docks after dropping PP off at Scouts, reflections were fantastic and lost track of time taking shots.

It was almost 9 before i realised i'd been there an hour, so sheepishly made a call to Mrs P who was an angel and had tidied up after the mess i left behind after tonights splendid meal which she had cooked for us.

Another HB tasty meal, tonight it was their Chilli Salad bowls which were lovely. We'll defo be having those again, although #1 Son wasn't too enamoured with all the salad & veg.

Up at 04.40 for the redeye down to Luton tomorrow so this one will have to do. The others need editing but i've still to pack and need some sleep. Will do then another day and put on my flickr.


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