Planko's Pics

By planko

Arbirlot Falls

Lazy ish day at home today, but managed to get out on my own for Blipping at 2pm, so headed up to Arbirlot as been wanting to blip this for a while. Will be back in summer when its all green and theres some colour in the sky (it was a grey day today).

Decided to go with the colour version today. The B&W is available on my Flickr Site

Diet Log

Breakfast: Hairy Bikers Toasted Crumpets & warm spiced Berries with Greek Yogurt. Wont be having the Greek Yogurt again with that as its minging!
Lunch: Mrs P (with a tiny bit of help from me) made The Hairy Bikers Golden vegetable soup, which I had a sandwich with. Soup was very good, we'll be having that again.
Dinner: Hairy Bikers Cassoulet. Was really tasty, so we'll be having that again as well. Added 100g of roast potatoes since I was light on the calories up until that point. Still under target for today which is great and have about 3/4 of a portion leftovers which i'll be having tomorrow for lunch.

We're fairly trying all the recipes in the HB book. If those two can loose 3 stone each eating those meals then I should be able to loose weight too!


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