Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

This is 'snapseeded', but this is what I saw and felt when I went through the autumn forest on my way to work this morning. Last day of my practice. Tomorrow I'm staring my employment. 
Today's main chore was to cut withering flowers in the garden bed. I've been doing that before, from time to time, but now autumn is arriving in strides so it was time to do an hours work outside. Unfortunately it started to rain, but I found a rain coat and only my pants and shoes got wet. Still, I had this wet, cold feeling when I got inside, so it was nice to end my day and go home. I bought potatoes, apples, tomatoes, an artichoke and some pots with me home. I still have this sense of luxury to be able to buy fresh, eco and grown outside veggies and other stuff, when I buy at work. I hope I never loose it!

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