Market day

And a French haircut, it’s very short. I meant to take more photos of the market but the shock of my hair (actually quite pleased with it, it just needs to grow a couple cms) I didn’t think about the camera. We bought a plait of garlic, tub of walnuts, chestnuts and some of those big tomatoes. And a number of Asian snack foods to eat tonight. Along with a couple coffees during the morning, time to sit and people watch. Last year we had Charlie with us and started chatting to another English couple who had a dog, this year we thought it too much for him and nobody chatted to us. We are later here this year, less tourists although there was a party of English school children.

And home to more coffee and a sit outside, no blue sky but warm when the sun tried to peep through. Charlie became manic with a large rounded smooth stone he plays with, he looked and sounded completely bonkers, he’s now flaked out.
It’s pouring again. John was looking at the news on the iPad and noticed the dreadful flooding in the UK, poor people.

And the breed of the brown speckled cow is la Vache Normand, Normandy cow, noted for its quality of milk and those beautiful patches around the eyes, lunettes, spectacles.

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