
By MumOf4Wildlings

Fun and game's

Today for me started at 3am again. I just don't really sleep when I'm pregnant. I woke feeling really sick and breathless.

By 6am it was time for everyone to start getting up and organised. Thankfully Mr R got up with the Wildlings and let me lie in bed for a while. I decided to keep the middle wildling of nursery So I could have a easy-ish morning.

We had a busy afternoon having the health visitor come for Harps 15 month review. They're very pleased with her and says that she has good language skills and she's a clever wee cookie.

We then did the soft play area for a few hours and then the Wildlings had a quick dinner before I got them back on their bike's and cycled to their dad's work.
This photo is them having fun in the corridor of his workplace. They will be a little later in bed tonight but they should get a good sleep with the amount of exercise they have had.

I will try and get a early night myself as I still don't feel too great.

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