And delphiniums blue

By flynnet


Small Indian settlement found on Scarborough beach, these tribes usually move around the alot, but here we found some right cling-ons!!! hehe

I know I bad laughing at my on joke but they do look like wigwams :)

Got a wee headache starting so I will be back on tonight, I will edit this with my weight loss, and if you dont catch it I will post on tomorrows blip.

Something happened last night that convinced me I have lost weight, I walked in the lounge and my pjs fell down! Daves face was a picture lol

And finally a humongous THANK YOU for all the stars and hearts on yesterdays blip! 8 hearts I have never had that many for one photo, I think we can safely say its one of my best. So thanks again.

love c x x x

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