And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Do you see what I see??

Another stunner of a day in Scarborough, though a wee bit chilly, but that doesn't matter when your wrapped up nice and warm. The beach was pretty busy too Ash had lots of fun :)

Do you see the man in the stone? you can also see Dave and Ash walking ahead!
Daves busy making the cake for Saturday its going to be a good one :) the nearer it gets the more nervous I get, all the family together, some I have not seen in years and im dreading them seeing how big I am :0/

WEIGHT LOSS, I lost 4lb at WW last night :) one lady put 14lb on over xmas my leader was very supportive, so since rejoining I have lost 11lb and since I originally started 3st 3lbs :)

love c xxx

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