
For the first time.

Not the first time ever.
No, the first time playing at making a collage.

I was trying to make something else really, but I was completely baffled and getting nowhere, so I made this instead.

So, basically, if I can make this, then let me tell you... anyone can.
And I didn't even set out to make this, but I made it in about 4 seconds, almost by accident.
Yes, it's silly, but quite true.

Could I make it again?
Erm... not sure about that.

Also... how can I put this?
I've had a little bit of a New Year clear out on Blip.
So, if you're still there on my subscription list...
Hi! :D

If you're not... : (

You should see what I've done to my iTunes library!

I have SPACE...!!!!!

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