
So when you find yourself at Charing Cross at twilight waiting for a meeting about which you have a certain level of anxiety, there's only one thing to do - grab an outdoor blip! (Well that, and treat yourself to a venti skinny caramel macchiato with an extra shot).

I'm very grateful for the 3G on my iPad right now. I hate waiting, patience is a virtue I do not possess. Whether its anticipation for something good or anxiety over something bad I find it hard. In reality tonight's waiting is anxiety over the unknown so I'll just go ahead and repeat my mantra " it will all be fine", wonder how many times I need to say it before I feel better?

I'm up to 11k on the bike this week and plan a good few more tonight, especially if I need to rid myself of any frustrations. Probably won't get much knitting done and definitely won't get as far as Once A Sheep but Carlos is cooking again so that's one less thing to worry about.

My appointment is at 5.30 but I made sure I left work while it was still daylight to lift my spirits. It's getting darker as I type but I'm already aware of the gradually lengthening days and the feeling of well being they bring. I would say 'roll on spring' but I suspect we're in for a cold snap before January is out.

While I'm here I better go over to My Fitness Pal and count the coffee, maybe even get in a 10 minute walk to help cancel it out.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

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