
It was like Christmas morning in here tonight. Noah wanted the Lego monsters Haunted House for Christmas, it was ordered on Amazon on the 29th November and left California the following day. It arrived today and thankfully he was old enough to understand why it didn't come on time and just be pleased that of the 4 that were available on Amazon (ie the whole world - it was sold out on for months) one of them was on its way for him.

He was so excited and set about construction immediately. He has finished booklets 1 & 2 and has 3 more to go so I can guess what he'll be doing when he gets in tomorrow, after homework and chores of course! The tongue-ometer demonstrates the intense concentration he was displaying whilst hurrying to finish all the pieces on his tray before bed time.

In other news, Freya bought a ukulele today. A red one. Exciting.

I had a busy day of chores at work moving/buying & disposing of furniture. It's amazing what all comes under my remit! I'm absolutely shattered as a result and can't wait til bed. I'm at 19k so far and it's going to take a mammoth effort to get any done tonight, haven't even knit a stitch, I'm shattered! No promises.

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