The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Biscuits From Heaven

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Boss is under a bit of pressure so I offered to buy vouchers and a cuddly toy for someone going on mat leave. I started a message to let him know that it was all sorted but decided to reword it. I was worried that there was too much ambiguity in “I bought a rabbit for C.”

In other news, we have finally stared watching this season of Bake Off and I had forgotten how much I love it. There is a Spanish lady called Helena who is the doppelgänger of Nadja from “What We Do In The Shadows.” She is obsessed with Halloween and The Eldest Mini Princess and I whisper “Where’s Gregor?” every time she’s on screen!

The best thing about Bake Off tonight was munching on peanut butter toffeepops from my amazing care package while we watched it. Thank you so much O’H dear. BEST FLAVOUR EVER.


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