Home again Home again jiggiddyjig...

The day started at 4am..... actually 1.20am for me because I can't sleep when I know an alarm has been set!!

I kept a close eye on the sky all the way back to the airport in the desperate hope to see those lights but alas, it was not to be.

Our flight home from Iceland was very bumpy indeed as we hit the yet stream so we had 45 minutes of turbulence and several people making full use of their sick bags!!! I love a bit of turbulance - except when it stops the drinks trolley!!!

We arrive back on land on time but had to wait an hour or so for Mr W's daughter to come and pick us up. She had to wait for Baby Isla to feed.

We arrived home about 1pm. I was so looking forward to seeing little Fluffy Legs but she looked a little sheepish as we came to the door - as if she had forgotten who we were..... we were only gone 4 days bless her!!! But it must have been very confusing for her and once she realised who we were she was all over us and very pleased to see us!!!

Mr W and I then took her out for a walk to try and get a bit of fresh air after our journey home, then we had to say goodbye to Daughter Number 2 who had stayed, sharing the Puppy Sitting  with Daughter Number 1. I am so grateful for all their help and know that Bella is safe and secure with them and she adores them.

I was absolutely shattered come bedtime and was desperate to get some conditioner in my hair after 4 days without it and the salty water of the Blue Lagoon on Wednesday and I was out like a light once my head hit the Pillow.

I love going away but love coming home a little bit more!!

My Blip is from our seat in the plane....and the only Northern Lights I saw - but I won't go on about it!!!! Much!

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