The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Change Of Plan

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince and I went out last night for Jenk’s 50th birthday celebrations. As we had Bella overnight, The Prince said we would walk them together in the morning.

The Prince had driven to Aberdeen and back for the university open day with The Eldest Mini Princess and didn’t remember to eat dinner/anything before we went out.

There was re-evaluation of the plan at 1 am after a round of tequilas* which predicted that the probability of The Prince dog walking was 0.

This prediction proved to be accurate!

I decided as The Prince had miraculously slept through the barking just after 7 am, that waking him would not lead to a magical moment with us skipping hand in hand though the Hermitage. Especially as it was wazzing down.

The Prince woke up about half an hour after I came back looking a little sheepish but thankfully not hungover so I decreed that he would be my slave for the rest of the day!


*I tipped mine into an empty glass behind me. Tequila was made by Satan.

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