
An early start, an uneventful journey, R collected us from Hyllie train station.

I'd brought a lot of stuff, including wings, gin (from home and from the airport), clothes for both boys, lots of charity shop children's books, so we were glad not to have to catch a bus.

Robin is currently quite difficult when under pressure, so no success as yet in getting him to try on the wings - but he at least hasn't rejected them out of hand.

In extras, Milo is a smiley placid chap most of the time, though he too has his moments - he's particularly unhappy in a wet nappy!

One of the reasons we chose this week to visit was to wish Z happy birthday.  We're looking after Marmite tomorrow so she can go out with friends, but in extras is the birthday cake made by R.

Also tomorrow we're going house viewing with R and G, who are definitely planning to stay in Sweden for the foreseeable future.

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