
By Igor

this is the end, my friend

I was in rather a cheery mood until I saw this. 

A large Scandinavian furniture store has these black globes on sale.  No features on the surface apart from a few scratches and flecks of dust.  The Blue Planet is now the Blackened Planet.  Inert and devoid of life and any traces thereof.

Perhaps the marketing department see 'The End of the World' as the next big thing.  If so, it's a good strategy.  This is a multi purpose item; we can buy it for ourselves as a reminder of the fragile state in which we live.  Or we buy it as a gift for those who do not share our concerns - possibly adding a wee card which says "I told you so." 

Jim Morrison had it right.

To restore my former good humour, Anniemay took me to the soft toy department  (See extras).  I cuddled a wee dug.  Works every time.

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