This morning I decided to keep the biggest Wildling off from school. ( He still only attends for 3hours a day ). Last night he woke from 9- nearly 12 with really bad tummy cramps. He was unconsolable and kept telling us to take him to the hospital. It's very hard with him as his pain threshold and brain is wired differently to others and we can never tell how bad thing's actually are with him. He had a really bad bike accident when he was 3 , his face was a mess, he lost a tooth, his helmet broke and we had to take him to hospital. He cried because he had blood on his jacket and not from the pain.
So last night I was in two minds wether it was his appendix or not. After a hour or so we managed to get him to take Calpol. He had a settled night when he eventually went back to bed.
I thought I'd keep him off this morning just incase. And guess what ,he was absolutely fine. ( He certainly won't get a award for perfect attendance, he's been off a couple of times now and it's only term 1 ) .
He had a great time just playing with his sister. I turned all the electronics off and told him he had to play. He struggles with this sometimes even in the house. But he sat and played with the Duplo for over a hour. Yes it's a younger toy but he's not ready for lego. He's only just started to properly build with this. You find that with children that are on the spectrum, sometimes they prefer to play with toys meant for a younger age. And I mean who doesn't love duplo.
His Nana and grandad got him a amazing Lego set for his birthday back in July , but he wasn't interested in it. He will one day though.
He has been quite emotional today too after the lack of sleep last night. Hopefully tonight everyone sleep's and has a good night.
Tomorrow is going to be a good day for me, but I'll save that for blip tomorrow.
Thanks for all your star's and comments. I'm enjoying blipping everyday. I think I'm nearly at my 100 mark.
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