
By MumOf4Wildlings

A rare opportunity

Today I left my wildlings in the hand's of their dad. I left the house early and had the opportunity to go on a mindfulness, meditation and self compassion course. This was organised through our local carer centre. It was for people who are carer's either for their job, or for people in their families.
I met some lovely people today, and it was good to meet others who are in the same boat as me. This course was so beneficial. I learned some great meditation and found that I could clear what was happening in my head and concentrate on my breathing. The lady who was conducting the meditation had a very calming voice.
What is a challenge is to have self compassion towards ourselves, I need to give myself time for me. If that's five minutes of meditation, or a coffee with a friend or even locking myself in the bathroom and having time to relax, and get away from everything then I need to start this.
I felt so good getting away. And that might sound selfish that I was happy to leave my wildlings for a day but I'm not even going to feel guilty about it. I told Mr R that he needs to start doing thing's for him too, that he needs to have something to help him relax. He has a demanding job and then everything at home to contend with.
Yes we are parents and that comes with some stress, I wouldn't change it though. My wildlings are my world and I'm so grateful for them. But it's ok to have time for you.

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