Poorly puppy

This morning when Ann got up, she found me lying on the kitchen floor in subdued mode. Normally I'm still in my crate sleeping. And then she noticed that I'd been sick. And not only had I been sick....................... there were four big splodges of poo/diarrhoea and two wees!! It didn't smell too good either??? I know, I know, that's probably too much information.

As soon as Ann opened my doggie gate that is in between our kitchen/living room, I went straight to her for a little cuddle. I wasn't my normal bouncy self. I was all quiet and subdued. We went for a little walk around the block but I didn't do my normal 'happy, bouncy, excitable greeting' when I met the little people going to school. I couldn't be bothered greeting them today. And then as soon as we got back into the flat I went straight into my new little bed in the living room and fell asleep.

Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm not going to give you any breakfast today. You can have snooze time while I have breakfast and then I will assess the situation. We might have to go and see the vet.'

After an hour or so, I'd perked up a bit but I still didn't get any breakfast and we went to the park. None of my friends were there but as soon as I got let of my lead I immediately went zooming around all over the place. I even managed to find a manky old tennis ball. Yay!

Home and I had snooze time while Ann went swimming and then I went for another little walk round the block.

Ann went shopping and I snoozed some more and then I went round the block again. I've been around the block a lot today.

And now I'm just waiting for my dinner to cool down. I'm getting boiled white rice and chicken for dinner tonight. It smells yummy. And apparently Ann's cooked enough for me to have rice and chicken for breakfast tomorrow as well. How fabulous is that?

I don't know why I was so ill during the night but I'm back to my happy, bouncy self now. Yay!

And in other news..................... Ann got an email from British Gas today saying that she'd over paid on her gas bill and was due a refund of £467.20. Mmmmmmm........................ we don't actually have any gas in our flat?! So she won't be 'clicking on the link'  to claim it back. There's lots of scammers out there peeps. Stay safe.

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