Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

New Kid on the Block

I'm the bright new kid
In the stable block
Everybody here loves me
It's a bit of a shock
They all want to hug me
Give me carrot and mint
But I look at the empty haynet
And no-one takes the hint
Everyone asks "how many hands"
I think them rather uncouth
After all I've only got legs
And on the end of each, a hoof
"Hasn't he such soft hair"
Says one unto the others
But if it's so soft
Why are you holding those clippers
I'm stood here so calm
Quiet, totally at peace
But bring those things close
And all that will cease!
I've a great liking for my hair
We've become very attached
It's so lovely and waterproof
Like a house that's been thatched
So please put them down carefully
Then no-one will get hurt
At the moment I'm being subtle
Please don't make me become overt
For if you do you'll find
These hooves are better than a hand
That are so easilly damaged
Especially if on them I stand
I know you like everything smooth
But come on, please be fair
Don't you really think
I look so much better with my hair?

Terry Rhiannyr
December 2012

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