
A camera club night for me (Chris). It was a competition night with a category of 'Wild' and an open section. I quickly realised my interpretation of wild was somewhat at odds with the majority of other entries (predominantly wild animals and flowers) although I still scored OK. In the open category I submitted a recent popular blip and scored a 19/20 so was pleased with that. I've said it before but listening to an experienced judge is fascinating. They see things you don't see at all and equally they don't always understand a shot if they haven't got the benefit of the background story that goes with it. At the end of the day, we predominantly take photos for ourselves but if you put your pictures up for judging it has to be more than just technically well executed.

Prior to the club night, the game of Monopoly that started on Sunday continued this evening. Annie has hotels on the brown ones. Immy and Rosie need to get trading with each other if they are going to progress!!!

Tonight's blip is a view of a local estate (Watermead) I keep meaning to spend a bit of time photographing. I was passing so as it was dark (but also raining) I just grabbed a few shots of the reflections on the lake.

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