Out for a Duck?

Wow...What a difference a day makes when it starts at 4.30 and it's gonna rain.
Well the day started at that awful hour 'Cos The Bossess had a meeting in Christchurch and had to get to the Queenstown airport for the first flight out and the Boss figured he might as well get out too and I was already up and about with all that noise going on.
Great News.. The Boss tried to start the laptop this morning after leaving it charging all night and it WOULDN'T. This served to prove the case so it got bundled up with all the paperwork and he decided to take it over the hill too. No The Bossess would never have had time to do this...OK.
The picture is Lake Hayes and you can see that I was very interested in the wildlife. Also that was the last sun we saw for the rest of the day which got VERY scary when The thunder and lightning seemed to shake the house and The Boss shot round pulling phone connections out and powering down all the IT stuff.
There was a lot of barking going on...OH it was ME...Sorry if I disturbed someone who was nicely comfortable in the corner of his studio reading his Kindle. He did however say soft words and stuff to calm me EXCEPT when there was a really BIG BANG that shock the house and I went slightly Ape.
I used to think that Fireworks were bad.
So there is a heavy rain warning out yet again so I guess the lake will be even higher. Sorry no tree blip today but this image is instead dedicated to the The Black Caps (NZ's Cricket team) who do seem to be having wildlife problems too.
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