Meet the ancestors

Yes this is the same man that we saw recently only he is a bit younger in this picture. He is my Great Grandfather on the maternal side of mother. The Barometer belonged to my Great Grandfather on my mother's paternal side. Both of them nice things to have.

So more garage work today and I'm almost there. There are still a few things to go through, but I think these are the last of the treasures that I can photograph. There was a Victorian oval picture plus some prints by FM Bennett from 1929. They belonged to my Great Aunt Elsie who was my mum's mum's sister. Lots of great memories that I've boxed up today. Whether they will see the light of day again I'm not sure. I may even sell them via an auction site online. We'll see.

Day 55 - shoulder

All is good and I only take 4 paracetamol per day, sometimes only 2.

Wet and windy day.

Well done if you spotted that the mystery item was my Grandads pipe rack.

Thanks for looking in today.

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