Misty Marlow Church

A bit of a cheat blip today as I took the original picture in the 1980s. For the last 20 years its been nailed to the Garage wall, but today was d day, and it came down. I was trying to think what camera I was using and I think it was the Olympus OM10. Soon afterwards I bought the OM40 as we were visiting Egypt. I still have them of course, can't bring myself to get rid of these lovely old slrs

Anyhow home alone today I went and did some shopping then came home and did a bit in the garage, not too much, just enough to know I'd done it. I had a long lunch break then went back for a while....

Day 54 - shoulder

2000units of F8 injected no problems. No pain hurrah!

Extra - who knows what this is for ? Something from the 30s I reckon, and belonged to my maternal Grandfather.

Cool day but dry

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