These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Basketball Practice and So Big Toots!

Tyler: Mom, I have a sobigtoo that won't come out!!

Mom: What??

Tyler: I have a sobigtoo that won't come out!!!

Mom: Tyler, I can't understand you. You have a what??

Tyler: Oh, it just came out. (laughing)

Mom: OH!! You had a so big toot and it wouldn't come out?

Tyler: Yeah!!

I think all that boy talks about is toots! We had a fun Friday, except for the fact that we spent two hours at the dentist, only to learn Mr. T has seven cavities. 7 out of 8 molars have a cavity. I feel like a complete failure in the tooth brushing department. I need to consult with my Uncle who is a dentist, but as of now, he's has to start going back starting Wednesday and he has four different appointments to get all of them filled. ARGH.

We also went over and watched Josh have basketball practice. It was an optional practice so there weren't nearly as many kids as normal and he was the only coach. The kids LOVED it. Tyler seriously wanted to participate in whatever the big kids were doing. They had a free throw competition and he stood under that hoop and every time, you could see him hoping that he would get to grab the ball and throw it to the guys. I don't think he ever did, but he was trying. Mia Jo wouldn't leave Josh's side. She thought it was so cool being dad's little side kick.

We had date night so the kids went and played at church while Josh and I went out an enjoyed some Chinese food. It was very very fun.

This picture was just a grab after we got home from watching Josh's basketball practice. With the weather somewhat improving (although we have had some snow the past couple of days), any time we head out or return home from an outing, both kids have to ride around on their bikes for a few minutes. Just getting in their outside fix!

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