Showers at Wasdale (Day 1619)

Last night I didn't set an alarm, despite having tentatively booked a job for 930 this morning. I am normally awake by 7am, so I reckoned the alarm was unnecessary. I was a little surprised when I woke up at 945. 
There followed a period of frenetic activity getting the woofers out for a wander in the rain, and getting myself organised and out to the customer. They weren't bothered by my late appearance, just glad to have their tap changed. With their job done, I headed for another customer who has been waiting for me for more than a week. 
Back at home for lunch and, as it looked like the weather was improving a little, I took the dogs to Wasdale. We haven't been there for ages and the dogs really enjoyed getting filthy. Showers caught up with us on the way back to the van.
The rest of the day has been spent doing nothing much, waiting for the return of  my beautiful wife from her 24 hour shift at work. 

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