Mrs P and George (Day 1618)

I zoomed to town first thing this morning to collect a replacement sheet of wet wall for the bathroom re-fit, then through to Stromness to get it fitted. It probably took a bit longer than it should have done, but I was making absolutely sure that I didn't make any mistakes cutting it.
I was finished by late morning, and with my next customer not answering their phone, I headed to the horses to see if I could catch up with  my beautiful wife. I arrived just as she was setting off to the yard with George to give him a haircut. I drove round to the yard and was able to get a shot or two of HV and George arriving. I had a bit of a blether with HV and ate my lunch whilst she clipped George. He was delighted to get my apple core and banana skin.
Afterwards I managed to get hold of the elusive customer and sorted his tap. With that out of the way, I spent the rest of the day doing first fix plumbing for a kitchen, finishing late but glad to have got the job ticked off the list.

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