"Embro to the ...."

"Embro to the ploy Bellany exhibition" as Garioch might have said. Courtesy of our spiffing Senior Railcards we journeyed to the National Gallery of Scotland specifically to fill in what we thought was a wee gap in our education, only to discover that the blank was actually humungous.

If you are in striking distance of Edinburgh and are remotely interested in art, this is something to see! I had no idea of the depth, range, development or complexity of Bellany's work and while I cannot pretend to have understood all the 'notes', (which seem written for those who already have critical terminology at their fingertips), I feel I learned a lot and will enjoy now studying the beautiful catalogue.

So even if you know what "loose" brush strokes are, or american "gestural "painting I think you'll still be stunned to see so many and such huge works gathered together.

Oh, by the way: if you're planning coffee and a scone in the Gallery cafe, do rob a bank first. But it's Edinburgh.

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