Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Painted and American Lady butterflies have been abundant this fall, and they have a particular fondness for buddleia and lantana in our garden.  Today there were just two Painted Ladies, no doubt fueling up to travel south.  They are not the long-distance migrants that Monarchs are, but still travel quite a distance to reach warmer climates for winter.  Couldn't resist this one for today's blip - the colors with that splash of fall foliage in the background were just speaking to me.  And all too soon, I'll be reduced to nothing but the odd fly or stink bug once winter sets in...

Quick trip to my doctor today to get a flu shot, and he also drew blood to see if I've been immunized for measles; if not, back in a few days for the first of two vaccines.  Then, off to the gym for weights and home to help Hubs cover the RV for winter.  I am SO not ready for winter!!!

Phoebe has been sneezing like crazy since yesterday and seems to have a lot of nasal congestion, so we called our vet today.  She thinks this is all related to the inner ear infection but told us to keep a watch on her, gave us some specific things to look for that would be red flags, and told us to continue the antibiotics.  Phoebe seems to feel okay, but she is definitely stuffy.  Cats don't get colds like humans so this is uncharted territory for us.  Giving her extra love.  


On depression... I haven't written anything on this topic lately, but have been thinking recently about the link between depression and suicide.  In the worst cases, depression can leave the person feeling so entirely hopeless and overcome that life no longer feels worth living.  It was getting dangerously close to this line myself that finally shoved me into action.  Not everyone is as lucky as I was.  The message - if you know someone who you suspect fights depression, please be as supportive as possible and encourage them to seek help, whether medical, psychological, or both.  There are many drugs to treat depression and many mental health care providers who specialize in treating depression.

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