Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I was actually in the garden trying to get a good shot of a particular fly when I saw this young buck in the lower part of our yard.  Quick as a bunny, I ran into the house and grabbed a camera with a longer lens and flashed back out.  Then, I set about creeping ever so slowly closer to this young White-tailed deer.  And as you can see, he spotted me almost immediately - busted!  He stomped his front foot, flashed his tail and stared intently at me, on high alert. So, I sat in place in the grass and enjoyed watching him.  He's a first-year male with just the very beginnings of little nubs on his head that will eventually become a fine set of antlers.  Hopefully.  One more shot in Extra showing his tail.

It was a fairly eventful day - I got an hour in at the gym with Hubs. Then back to my doctor to get a measles "booster" then back here to potter around a bit.  And we got a call from the nursing home that is only 2 miles from us saying that they'd approved MIL's application if we still want to move her.  Hubs will go tomorrow to meet with the head nurse and dietitian there before making a final decision.  It's a beautiful facility though, and so close.

 Made an appointment for Phoebe with the vet tomorrow as she is still very congested and snuffly.  Poor thing - it's as if she has a massive head cold, except that cats don't really get those.  The vet thinks it's all connected to the inner ear infection, but I just want to be sure she is okay.  I worry.


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