Long Journey

I had to go into Tavistock to get Locusts for Gunther - so took Oscar for a walk along the river there. Just on the oustskirts we get in a queue. At first I thought it was due to the new roundabout being built next to a new housing development. But no! When I got there I was able to watch the bulldozer pushing  earth to another vehicle which scooped it up and dropped it into a truck. Such precision. Still in the queue and slowly moving forward I spotted signs for no parking and realised it was Goosey Fair in Tavistock. But no! When I got to the road it is held down no fair! So still in the queue I moved on slowly and a check on google maps showed me roadworks ahead! I decided I would forgo the walk and just get the locusts! When I finally passed them I discovered it was just a few metres of works! So much delay for minor works blocking one side of the road! What should have taken me 15 minutes took well over an hour!
I'm pleased to say the walk by the river was glorious and Oscar had the best time! I walked further than I usually do and discovered a mini waterfall and a rock formation that had a hollowed out centre. There seemed to be no entry from behind it where the river could flow through it so i was mystified how it had formed. On the way back i met two men with a friendly lurcher that Oscar played with. They explained it was called the hole in the wall and it was thought a stone had been pushed round the inside by the force of the water coming through an entrance on the side I couldn't see.
On the way home Igot locusts and treats for Oscar and food for the weekend - my sister is coming to stay and we are going to a small wool festival! She will leave sunday as she doesn't want to leave Milkshake any longer - it's the first time I've seen her since she took ownership. So we will be celebrating our birthdays which were in April and May!! Presents all round!

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