
By MumOf4Wildlings

Busy bee's

Today my wildlings got to join parents inclusion network (PIN ) for a morning at a trampoline park. PIN hire out the whole place for autism hour. We were very lucky today to have it for two hours.
We are also extremely lucky to be part of this group. They organise trip's during the school holidays so that children and their families can feel and be included in activities without having to stress if they're having a meltdown etc.
This group relys on funding and everything is free. They do so so much for the people who are on their list.
They also go into school's and support parents who need someone there for meetings etc. They are always at the end of the phone or email for advice.

My guys had a blast. Including the smallest wildling. I only jumped for a few minutes. Ha.

When we got home the biggest wildling was past it. Although we go with other children who are like him, it can all be too much. He can hold it together there and look like he's having a amazing time, he does but it's harder work for him. He has to hold everything together.
So when we got home I decided to bake with the boy's. Pandieb gave me the recipe a couple of weeks ago.
We made it 3different ways. Chocolate in the middle, chocolate on top and some with chocolate chips. I look forward to trying them.

Tomorrow we get to explore again with PIN.

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