
By SuffolkBumble

Something strange in the sky....

Today I saw something which I feel like I hadn't seen in months. It's rays warmed my skin and, shocked, I decided I needed proof of something that I had missed for so long. I faced my camera towards the source and clicked. Unfortunately a cement mixer came by at that moment (which I ditched for blip purposes) but I had the proof - the Sun was out today!

Okay so I am being slightly over dramatic but still, it was the first nice day really since New Years Day here, where there was an actual clear sky and Sun which warmed you. I wanted a picture.

Another perk of the clear day is that for my run this evening there was a clear sky so the stars could be seen, especially on the misty Greens that Cambridge is blessed with, which made for a lovely run.

So a good day is followed a good run. I am totally blaming it on the Sun.

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