Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Yard Bird #44

Ruby crowned Kinglets are birds of autumn here in my area, usually showing up with yellow rumped warblers. They are rather difficult to photograph because 1) they are very, very small, and 2) they are very, very flitty, never still for even a moment.  It was sheer luck that when I looked out the kitchen window I had a camera in hand and was able to get exactly two shots through the glass.  If you are wondering about the name, the males actually do have a brilliant red "crown" which they display when alarmed.  This one is a female so no crown, not even a hidden one.  Perhaps I'll get lucky one of these days and get an alarmed male.  

If you'd like to see the entire collection of the yard birds I have blipped this year, just click HERE

This morning there were also 30 or so Cedar Waxwings with some robins and yellow rumped warblers scarfing down berries from our cedar trees.  They always start eating at the top of the trees where it's hard to get decent photos.  Eventually, they will work their way down lower in the tree and that will provide me with some better photo opps - if I am lucky.  A big flock of cedar waxwings can clean all the berries off our grove of cedars in a matter of hours, so it is easy to miss.  I'll be watching...

After Hubs had a discussion with several people at the new care facility, we've made the decision to move MIL next Friday.  We feel that the risk of another move so soon is offset by the location and overall facility/service.  This place is only 2 miles from our home and less than three to the hospital, as well as very close to her kidney doctor.  It is also a very well maintained facility with lots of amenities and spacious semi-private rooms.  

Phoebe survived her visit to the vet and is resting.  We are going to take a wait-and-watch approach.  If this is a virus (which the vet believes it is) it will clear in about a week.  Although she sounds like she's wheezing when she breathes, it is all nasal congestion and her lungs are clear.  She is already on antibiotics for the inner ear infection so no further medication is needed.  Just maybe send some good kitty thoughts out into the universe, okay?

I'm feeling a little under the weather today but think it is probably just allergies.  The day has evolved into heavy rain which is usually a trigger for my sinuses.  Anyway, I will be in bed early tonight.

Happy Hump Day.


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