Being Nice on the Ice

Can't ducks read? The yellow sign should be obvious. The ice is unsafe. I decided to rescue all three birds.

I got down on my hands and knees, and crawled out unto the ice...using the railing for support. It's amazing to me that when I did get to my feet...that my pant legs were already dry.'s also amazing that my hand casts a shadow on my jacket...but my body doesn't cast a shadow on the ice. Some things you just can't explain.

Actually, in our area...we don't joke about unsafe ice. We have already lost 2 guys who ventured out...fell through...and drowned. seems every year...we have some clown who will drive out onto it, and his truck sinks. Pretty hard to dry the vehicle out after that.

My son Jeff played "pond" hockey on a local lake last week. Scary to me, but they at least picked a known shallow spot. I probably haven't been out on the ice for 20-25 years. I hate that "cracking" sound as you walk across it.

Back to the picture. I took my picture in my driveway. Why is it...that no matter how many times you do always feel like a goofball when you set up the self-timer...and run to get in the picture? Especially when you're hopping around like a ballerina.

Lesson of the day? STAY OFF THE ICE UNLESS YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY SURE IT IS SAFE!!! There might not be a guy like me around to rescue you.

One duck down...two to go.

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