....the times they are a-changing.....

Time was this wouldn't have lasted beyond Christmas night!

The kids used to get one each in the stockings on the end of their beds.

It would be opened before breakfast........slices eaten in the morning....before lunch....around tea time......... and before bed.

We bought two this year...one went before New Year....this one is still hanging around.

Busy day at work...four lessons...including one where I was shadowed by a new member of staff....so he could get a feel for my style of classroom management......a "free" period taken up with planning next weeks lessons and some other bits and pieces....two and a half hours of meetings after the end of the day....marking monitoring for two colleagues and the paperwork associated with same...and a trip home via the supermarket.

Now it's me time...catching up on the i-player...posting this blip...reading comments from last night.....the Boss is watching Midsommer Murders....the daughter is in her room .....and the cat is smarming round my feet.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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