Autumnal Tunnel

Alan took a day's holiday off work today, but the weather was awful once again.  However, when we got up and I looked at the forecast, it was showing that there wouldn't be any rain if we went a little further North.  So on Alan's suggestion, we went to Royal Tunbridge Wells - somewhere we've never been but have always said we'd go, so today we did, and it was sunny!  Good choice Alan!

It's a lovely little spa town, we strolled up the High Street and went to the Pantiles where we had lunch at the Brasserie which is in the Tunbridge Wells Hotel - it was very pink and perfect for Pink October (see my extra).  

On our way home, we passed Sheffield Park so we popped in, as yesterday I forgot to take photos of the mushrooms in my lens ball and I still had it with me in my camera bag.  It was just as lovely as yesterday, and as Sheffield Park is my favourite place at this time of year, it was hardly a hardship.  Plus, I got to show Alan the Fairy Glen and I have to say, it gave him the 'wow factor'.  That said, it was very difficult to capture them in the lens ball and therefore I've chosen the autumnal tunnel as my blip.

Tonight we've just chilled out in front of the TV and are just watching the final of the Circle - hoping that Woody will win.

Happy Friday!

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