Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Pumpkin Patch

I've had a busy day today, for a change ;-) 

I went for the physio on my shoulder and I'm now all taped up to support it for a few days, then I took the boys out for a walk before heading over to Worthing to see Chloe.  I haven't seen her since the spring, so it was nice to catch up over lunch at the Blue Bird Cafe at the beach, where we sat outside in the sun - I had a delicious Thai beef salad.  Chloe then took me to Highdown Gardens before I headed home.

On my way to Chloe's I spotted a huge pumpkin patch at Sompting, which we'd actually driven past on the way home from Cornwall the other week, so on my way home I stopped to take some photos, I've never seen so many pumpkins in a field.  I then nipped to Marks & Spencer as I want some new gym wear, but to be honest their range is pretty poor at the moment and they really don't have a lot of choice so I didn't bother.

Once home, I prepared the dinner and tonight I've been to The Smugglers Rest with Chrissy, Barbs and Jeanette for another non-alcoholic night out.  Jeanette's also doing the SOBER October with me although the others aren't, but they didn't drink either - we had a non alcoholic sparkling wine called The Bees Knees which was actually very nice and is grape juice with green tea.  I've since found it online and they do a sparkling rose too so I'll have to see if I can get some.

Anyway, it's late and I need to be up early tomorrow as I've got an interesting morning planned - all will be revealed if it goes to plan!

I've got a little behind on commenting again, but I'll catch up with you soon

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