Off to Cork

I was at real risk of running late for an appointment in Bantry this morning, so every corner seemed to provide a blip potential that I couldn't stop for! Grrrr. The sun shone and the good people of West Cork responded with big smiles and lots of chat about the weather.
I also managed to get a cancellation for a much awaited Ultra Sound Scan in Cork City and spent my afternoon driving for 2 hours to get to the hospital, was in the Radiology waiting room for 2 mins and the scan room for 10mins and then drove the 2 hours home. It was never like this is Essex, the hospital might only have been 20 mins away, but the service was never that fast! Well done and thank you Mercy Hospital. I have a provisional all clear for the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm risk that is very prevalent in my family. It's good to cross that one off the list.
Part of me really wanted to go shopping for the NZ trip to have a few new bits, but I really don't need to get anything else and I'm trying to go with the advice
'take half what you need and twice as much money'!! The reality is take half what i think I need and stick to the budget.

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